Hello there :)


First of all, I want to apologize because my last update on this blog was last September. I’ve been busy… really busy, but busy in a good way. However, that means that blogging has fallen by the wayside to make way for lots of weddings, portraits, and commercial work (which is actually my full-time gig, yet makes no appearance whatsoever on this page…but that’s a project for another day).

It’s not all work, of course, there is that whole life thing: husband, family, friends, cats, travel, reading, running, daydreaming, etc. There are only so many hours in the day, I’ve chosen to spend them carefully, thoughtfully, and happily.

But it’s the start of a new year, and this is where I tell you that I’ll be much better about updating this blog. As all good New Year’s resolutions go, I fully intend to do my best, but readily admit that resolutions rarely stick. If you don’t hear from me on here, you’ll know why. Not because I’ve fallen off the face of the Earth, but rather because I’ve been exploring it and meeting amazing new clients. Hopefully that’s you! So don’t be a stranger, say hello!

Maria Julie

P.S. This photo is of me after eight long days of backpacking through Patagonia with my husband. We carried all of our food, clothes, tent, etc., and walked a whole heck of a lot.